Message from CEO
Message from CEO
Our business has evolved significantly since the 1990s, to become one of the most reliable and trusted providers of a wide-range of human-resources ("HR") related software applications and/or out-sourcing services to multi-nationals as well as regional and local businesses operating in Japan.
With origins in HR consulting, we started developing software to automate and streamline certain of our processes to further enhance accuracy and efficiency, and became one of the first businesses in the country to offer clients remote access to the first of our standardized software applications in return for regular monthly payments, on a "software-as-a-service" or "SaaS" basis.
Today, our Japan JIS Q15001 (Personal Information Protection Management Systems "PrivacyMark") and ISO27001 (Information Security Management System) certifications, and continuous participation in regular recertification and audits to ensure our ongoing compliance, demonstrate our continuing commitment to build resilience into our business: all data is housed in earthquake-resistant data center locations in different parts of the country and backed-up on a real-time basis between these locations; and our business continuity plan ("BCP") enables us to continue to operate even in the event of major emergencies such as pandemics or natural disasters.
Our success has been, and will continue to be, reliant on the specialist knowledge and dedication of our core group of team members. They have not only enabled us to develop a suite of SaaS applications but also to continue to offer a fully-managed business process out-sourcing ("BPO") solution to those clients who do not have the depth or breadth of HR capability internally to take up our Cloud-based HR software offerings on their own. We feel this two-pronged approach greatly benefits our business: our Software group is able to adapt and enhance our SaaS offerings on a timely basis based on feedback from our Professional Services group, whilst the latter is able to access our software to boost their productivity as well as sustain their reputation for quality.
We will continue to invest in our people, systems and processes, to strive to further enhance our reputation and stature in the HR sector in Japan, both as a technology company as well as one offering the highest quality of BPO services.
K.K. CrossVision International
President & CEO
Jerry Lounsbery