Specific Personal Information Policy
CVi continuously monitors and upgrades security measures to ensure the protection of important Client personal information.
Specific Personal Information Policy
K.K. CrossVision International (the "Company") shall set forth this policy to ensure Specific Personal Information and Individual Numbers (the "Specific Personal Information, etc.") are properly handled within the organization in accordance with the ‘Act on the Use of Numbers to Identify a Specific Individual in the Administrative Procedure.’
1. Compliance with Laws & Guidelines, etc.
The Company shall handle the Specific Personal Information, etc., properly in compliance with the relevant laws and guidelines such as the ‘Act on the Use of Numbers to Identify a Specific Individual in the Administrative Procedure,’ the ‘Act on the Protection of Personal Information’ and the ‘Guideline Regarding Proper Handling of Specific Personal Information (for Business Corporations).‘
2. Purpose of Use
The Company's policy for the use of Specific Personal Information, etc., is stated below.
役職員に係る個人番号関係事務 Affairs Related to the Individual Number for Employees of the Company |
源泉徴収関連事務 Clerical tasks related to withholding tax |
扶養控除等(異動)申告書、保険料控除申告書兼給与所得者の配偶者特別控除申告書作成事務等 Clerical tasks regarding application for dependent deduction and application for deduction of insurance premium & special deduction for spouse |
給与支払報告書作成事務等 Clerical tasks regarding report of salary payment |
給与支払報告特別徴収に係る給与所得者異動届出書作成事務等 Clerical tasks related to personnel transfer of salary earner regarding special tax collection |
特別徴収への切替申請書作成事務等 Clerical tasks regarding application for change to special tax collection |
退職手当金等受給者別支払調書作成事務等 Clerical tasks regarding payment report of recipient of retirement allowance, etc. |
退職所得に関する申告書作成事務等 Clerical tasks related to application regarding retirement income |
健康保険、厚生年金、企業年金届出事務等 Clerical tasks regarding filing health insurance, employee pension and corporate pension |
国民年金第三号届出事務等 Clerical tasks regarding category III of national pension |
健康保険、厚生年金、企業年金申請・請求事務等 Clerical tasks regarding claim of health insurance, employee pension and corporate pension |
雇用保険、労災保険届出事務等 Clerical tasks regarding filing employment insurance and work injury insurance |
雇用保険、労災保険申請・請求事務等 Clerical tasks regarding claim of employment insurance and work injury insurance |
雇用保険、労災保険証明書作成事務等 Clerical tasks preparing for proof of employment insurance and work injury insurance |
役職員以外の個人に係る 個人番号関係事務 (右記に関連する事務を含む) Affairs Related to the Individual Number for individuals who are not employees of the Company (including any relevant clerical tasks stated on the right) |
報酬・料金等の支払調書作成事務 Clerical tasks regarding payment report of remuneration / fee |
配当、剰余金の分配及び基金利息の支払調書作成事務 Clerical tasks regarding payment report of dividend & retained earnings and interest from funds |
不動産の使用料等の支払調書作成事務 Clerical tasks regarding payment report of fee for usage of real estate |
不動産等の譲受けの対価の支払調書作成事務 Clerical tasks regarding payment report of consideration for receipt of real estate |
当社の顧客企業から委託された 個人番号関係事務 Affairs Related to the Individual Number outsourced by clients of the Company |
源泉徴収関連事務 Clerical tasks related to withholding tax |
扶養控除等(異動)申告書、保険料控除申告書兼給与所得者の配偶者特別控除申告書作成事務等 Clerical tasks regarding application for dependent deduction and application for deduction of insurance premium & special deduction for spouse |
給与支払報告書作成事務等 Clerical tasks regarding report of salary payment |
給与支払報告特別徴収に係る給与所得者異動届出書作成事務等 Clerical tasks related to personnel transfer of salary earner regarding special tax collection |
特別徴収への切替申請書作成事務等 Clerical tasks regarding application for change to special tax collection |
退職手当金等受給者別支払調書作成事務等 Clerical tasks regarding payment report of recipient of retirement allowance, etc. |
退職所得に関する申告書作成事務等 Clerical tasks related to application regarding retirement income |
外国親会社等が国内の役員等に供与等をした経済的利益に関する調書 Record of investigation regarding economic interests provided to domestic directors by overseas parent company |
財産形成住宅貯蓄・財産形成年金貯蓄に関する申告書、届出書及び申込書作成事務等 Clerical tasks related to declaration, application and filing regarding property accumulation housing saving / property accumulation pension saving |
健康保険、厚生年金、企業年金届出事務等 Clerical tasks regarding filing health insurance, employee pension and corporate pension |
国民年金第三号届出事務等 Clerical tasks regarding category III of national pension |
健康保険、厚生年金、企業年金申請・請求事務等 Clerical tasks regarding claim of health insurance, employee pension and corporate pension |
雇用保険、労災保険届出事務等 Clerical tasks regarding filing employment insurance and work injury insurance |
雇用保険、労災保険申請・請求事務等 Clerical tasks regarding claim of employment insurance and work injury insurance |
雇用保険、労災保険証明書作成事務等 Clerical tasks preparing for proof of employment insurance and work injury insurance |
3. Security Control Measures
The Company shall take appropriate security control measures to prevent any divulging, loss or damage of the Specific Personal Information, etc. and give necessary and appropriate supervision to the employees and the vendors (including subcontractors) of the Company. The Company has established the organization, the internal rules and procedures, etc. to ensure the security control measures.
4. Inquiries
Client Contact Information for inquiries or claims regarding Specific Personal Information, etc. handled by the Company is as below:
K.K. CrossVision International
Akasaka Seventh Avenue Bldg., 5F 7-10-20, Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-0052
TEL: +81(0)3-3586-1548 FAX: +81(0)3-5545-7818
E-mail: privacy@cvi.co.jp
Enacted: December 1, 2015
K.K. CrossVision International
Jerry Lounsbery, President & CEO