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Payroll Out-sourcing

With PayrollPro as a common platform, multiple professional staff members perform high quality payroll calculation services. And, in conjunction with CViElite Nencho, the burdensome and time-consuming task of Year-end Adjustments can be dramatically improved.

CVi's Payroll Out-sourcing

Using CVi's PayrollPro (payroll calculation system) as a common platform between Clients and CVi, allows you to leave the complicated and routine payroll work and calculations to CVi. Calculations can be run any number of times (until finalization), allowing for significant improvements in flexibility of operations and accuracy of data.

  • PayrollPro can integrate data from other CVi Cloud Solutions, such as Web Pay Slips (web statements), CViElite Attendance (attendance management), CViElite Jinji (personnel information management), CViElite Shinsei (personal information change workflow) and CViElite Nencho (Year-end Tax Adjustments).
  • Please note that PayrollPro must be used in conjunction with CViElite My Number.
  • Your in-house payroll personnel can access PayrollPro in the same manner as CVi's out-sourcing staff, allowing data review in real-time and you can export reports to PDF or Excel files.

PayrollPro Cloud Application:

Clients manage their own payroll using PayrollPro.

Payroll Ousourcing (BPO)

CVi staff manage the client's payroll using PayrollPro.

CVi's experienced professional staff can perform your crucial monthly payroll processing for you.

* Consultations and operations related to Labor and Social Insurance are provided in conjunction with a certified Social Insurance Labor Consultant office.


Online bilingual pay slips

In addition to printing and mailing securely sealed pay slips, we also offer bilingual Web Pay Slips (in Japanese and English). On payday, employees can access their pay slips via the Internet, and they can also browse, view, and print their historical pay slips and yearly Income Tax certificates.

Special support for expatriate staff

We understand the special needs of your expatriate staff. Special calculations such as salary gross-up, non-resident treatment and more can be taken into account as part of the normal payroll processing.


Reduce your workload

All you need to do each month is to provide us with the required data. You can obtain the finished data after the calculations.

High standards for accuracy & quality

CVi has an excellent track record in providing accurate, high quality payroll processing. Our entire process is designed to reduce risk and ensure quality and accuracy, both in the application and our staff members. A minimum of two payroll professionals work in tandem to double-check each month's calculations and processing; this ensures continuity for your operations, as there are always staff on hand who are familiar with your company's specific needs.

Secure 24/7/365 days access to your payroll data

Payroll calculation processing can be monitored in real-time 24/7/365 since our BPO staff use the same full-featured Payroll Cloud Solution that Clients have access to. In addition to current and past payroll ledgers and tax withholding documents, various data such as monthly payroll results, Year-end Tax Adjustment results, and other items can be exported as needed. Your important HR and payroll data is securely stored in CVi's Cloud Solutions and continuously back up.

Out-sourcing is the cost-effective choice

In-house costs for recruiting payroll specialists, managing Social Insurance & Benefits payments, including office space, supplies and labor costs are a heavy burden. CVi's BPO service requires no software purchase, provides a high security environment to secure your payroll data, and our professional staff enables us to deliver quality Standard Services at a reasonable and cost effective price.

For those Clients who wish to introduce a dedicated service

CVi's Standard Products and Services are provisioned for in a shared environment under strict information security policies, procedures and guidelines, including standards for the protection of personal information. This has allowed us to achieve a high level of service at reasonable rates that has satisfied Clients. In the shared environment, Client data is logically separated.

Notwithstanding, irrespective of how high a quality or comprehensive our standard range of services might be, these might still not 100% meet the requirements of a specific client. Hence, we offer a "Segregated Program" under which any of our standard services can be customized. If you are interested in a personalized service for any of the categories below, please contact us or your respective Sales Representative.

  • Build a server and network operations in a Client-dedicated environment.
  • Conduct a Client-initiated audit based on your security and BCP requirements.
  • Use a Client-specific Agreement template instead of CVi's standard Agreement template.
  • Other Client-specific services not covered under the Shared Service.


Whether you are considering the use of Cloud Solutions, Out-sourcing, HR Consulting or a combination of services, we can provide a solution to meet your requirements.

Telephone Inquiries

9:00-18:00 Mon.-Fri.
