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Privacy Policy & Handling of Personal Information

CVi continuously monitors and upgrades security measures to ensure the protection of important Client personal information.

Privacy Policy

With regards to the personal Client data and business contacts received by K.K. CrossVision International (the “Company”) in order to provide comprehensive HR service solutions such as payroll calculation, the Company acknowledges its corporate and social responsibility for protecting such personal information and shall (a) observe all laws, ordinances, guidelines and other standards stipulated by the Japanese government and relating to personal information protection; (b) set forth the following personal information protection management system based on JIS Q15001; and (c) declare that it will implement, audit, revise, improve and uphold said policy.


  1. In order to implement this declaration, the Company shall set forth and publicize the “Privacy Policy,” and shall also familiarize its employees, including executives, regular and part-time employees, temporary workers, as well as related parties, and strive to continuously implement and improve upon said regulations.
  2. The Company shall not obtain any personal information without clarifying to the individual in such ways as he or she cannot easily recognize. The Company shall only acquire personal information by legal and fair means and shall only (a) make use of such information with consent from the individual who is the subject of such information, or (b) make available any such information in accordance with terms that it has publicized, such as on its website.
  3. Personal information shall only be used (a) by those empowered to perform one or more tasks associated with the Company's business and/or managing any aspect of its operations, (b) within the scope of the purpose of the acquired information, (c) as long as necessary to conduct such task(s); and (d) the Company shall implement measures to monitor and prevent any usage beyond the abovementioned scope and purpose. Further, the Company prohibits the unauthorized provision of personal information to any third party.
  4. In order to prevent the loss, destruction, alteration, leakage and/or modification of said personal information, the Company shall formulate a “Security Policy” and shall take appropriate information security measures, such as procedures and countermeasures against unauthorized access and computer viruses.
  5. In the event that the Company is required to outsource operations and needs to share personal information with a third party or is required to place said personal information in escrow for a third party, the Company shall investigate said third party and take measures it deems appropriate, such as the signing of any necessary documents and/or agreements, to protect such information.
  6. Where an individual's personal information is received indirectly by the Company (such as from publicly-available sources, or from a third party, or from a Client for the performance of certain agreed tasks), the Company shall immediately notify the individual or publicize the purpose of the use if not already publicized, except where a third party or Client has already obtained the consent from such person, or the use of the said information does not harm his or her interest relating to privacy.
  7. The Company acknowledges that each person (an individual whose personal information is being handled) has the right to choose to disclose, amend, stop the use of (cease and desist) and/or have their personal information purged from the Company's records, and the Company shall comply with such requests from the subject of the information without objection. Further, the Company shall handle any complaints or consultations regarding the subject’s personal information.
  8. CVi collects log files and sends cookies (including cookies sent from a third-party server for the purpose of measuring the effectiveness of advertisements and for recognizing your browser or device in order to improve services and Customer convenience. The statistical data obtained allows us to measure and analyze the performance of our services.
    We may collect information such as the Customer's IP address, the number of accesses, the type of browser used, as well as the OS and other terminals used. Customers may refuse to accept cookies depending on the settings of the Customer's browser, in which case, some of the essential features and services of the website may not be available.
    Any information collected is used solely for the purpose of analyzing usage tendency of the website and investigating the cause of any problem, should they occur, and is not used for the purpose of identifying an individual.

Enacted: April 26, 2005
Revised: November 12, 2014
Revised: January 6, 2021
Revised: July 13, 2021
Revised: January 16, 2023
Final revision: September 19, 2024

K.K. CrossVision International
Jerry Lounsbery, President & CEO

Inquiries Concerning Privacy Policy

Client Contact Information for contents of the Privacy Policy and claims related to Personal Information:


Customer Consultation Desk

K.K. CrossVision International

Akasaka Seventh Avenue Bldg., 5F 7-10-20, Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-005

TEL : +81-(0)3-3586-1548 FAX : +81-(0)3-5545-7818

Email : privacy@cvi.co.jp


Handling of Personal Information

1.Name and address of the organization and name of the representative

K.K. CrossVision International

Akasaka Seventh Avenue Bldg., 5F 7-10-20, Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-005

President/CEO: Jerry Lounsbery


2 Personal Information Protection Manager and Contact Information

Personal Information Protection Manager: QA/Compliance Osamu Iwai

(Contact: Please refer to item 6-(2) below)

3 Purpose of Use

The Company's policy for the use for personal information is stated below. The Company shall not use personal information without the consent of the individual for any purposes other than the following:

  • Providing cloud services for payroll calculation, attendance record maintenance, human resources maintenance, workflow applications and related services such as social insurance, J401(k) maintenance, payroll out-sourcing, Human Resources consulting, and helpdesk services to Clients and their customers and/or respective employees or related parties;
  • Managing inquiries about the Company and/or any of its services ("Contact", "Document Download" etc.);
  • Providing information regarding the Company’s products and services and distributing and receiving back survey questionnaires; and
  • Managing the Company's internal Human Resources or business partnership processes, including maintaining and updating records of employees, part-time or temporary staff as well as any consultants or advisors, or recruiting any persons for any of such positions.


4 Limit of Use by Third Parties

Unless otherwise set out in any of the above-mentioned paragraphs, the Company shall not provide personal information without the consent of the individual to a third party except in the following cases:

  • When based on rules and regulations;
  • When it is difficult to obtain the individual's consent but required in the interest of protecting a person's life, body, or property;
  • When it is difficult to obtain the individual's consent but required in order to protect public health or needed for the safety of a child; or
  • When required to cooperate with a registered governmental agency in the performance of official work and obtaining the consent from the individual hinders such work.


5 Consignment the handling of personal information to a third party

In the event that the Company is required to outsource the handling of personal information to a third party, the Company shall investigate said third party and conclude a necessary contract or supervise the third party.


6 Notification regarding disclosure of ”Personal Data the business holds” and “Records of Provision to a Third Party”

 Purpose of Utilization

- Personal information acquired through inquiries:

   - Responses to inquiries concerning the company and its services.

   - Providing information concerning the company’s products and services.

- Information for employees and representatives of our business partners:

   - Internal Human Resources Management and Business Partnership Management operations.

- Information of employment applicants:

   - Recruitment process.


(2) Grievance / Consultation Desk regarding Personal Data the business holds

Customer Consultation Desk

K.K. CrossVision International

Akasaka Seventh Avenue Bldg., 5F 7-10-20, Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-005

TEL : +81-(0)3-3586-1548 FAX : +81-(0)3-5545-7818

Email : privacy@cvi.co.jp


(3) Name of Accredited Personal Information Protection Organization and Contact for Resolution of Complaints

Secretariat of Authorized Personal Information Protection Organizations: JIPDEC

Roppongi First Building, 9-9 Roppongi 1-chome, Minato-ku Tokyo, 106-0032 Japan

TEL:+81-(0)3-5860-7565 / 0120-700-779


(4) Procedures for Responding to Requests for Disclosure, etc. (notification of purpose of use; disclosure; correction, addition, or deletion of content; suspension of use; elimination; suspension of provision to third parties; and disclosure of records concerning provision to third parties)


(4)-1 Contact for Requests for Disclosure, etc.

Please contact the Customer Consultation Desk item 6-(2) above.


(4)-2 Forms of documents to be submitted upon request for Disclosure, etc. and other methods of requesting disclosure, etc.

- Please contact the company by e-mail or telephone (including fax).

- Appropriate steps will be taken after confirmation of your identity, or that of your representative.

  (In cases where it is difficult for a person to request disclosure in person, such as a minor or an adult ward, we will confirm whether the person requesting   disclosure is the person's legal representative.)


(4)-3 How to confirm that the person requesting Disclosure, etc. is the person, himself/herself, or his/her representative.

- Required documents for identification:

  My Number card, driver's license, passport, etc.

- Required documents for legal representative:

  A copy of your family’s register, extract from your family’s register, certificate from the family court, etc.

  (In cases where there is a risk of harm to the rights and interests of the individual, the information may not be disclosed.)


(4)-4 How to charge fees for disclosure, etc.

- For notification of purpose of use, disclosure of personal information, or disclosure of a record concerning provision to third parties, JPY 1,000 fee (including tax) will be charged as a handling fee. Please enclose JPY 1,000 worth of postage stamps to the Customer Consultation Desk as described in item 6-(2) above when sending other confirmation documents, etc.

- For correction, addition, or deletion of personal information, a handling fee will not be charged.


(5) Measures Taken for Secure Management of Retained Personal Data the business holds

(5)-1. Formulation of Privacy Policy

In order to ensure the appropriate handling of personal data, the Company has established a Privacy Policy regarding “compliance with relevant laws, regulations, guidelines, etc.” and “contact for handling questions and complaints”.


(5)-2. Establishment of discipline in the handling of personal data

For each stage of acquisition, use, storage, provision, deletion/disposal, etc., the Company has  established rules for handling personal data, including handling methods, responsible persons/persons in charge, and their duties.


(5)-3. Organizational Safety Measures

In addition to appointing a personal data protection manager for the handling of personal data, the Company clarifies the employees who handle personal data and the scope of personal data handled by such employees, and has established a reporting and communication system for those responsible in the event that they become aware of facts or signs of violation of the law or handling regulations.


The Company conducts periodic self-check for personal data handling, as well as audits by persons from other departments.


(5)-4. Personnel Safety Control Measures

Regular training is provided to employees on matters to keep in mind when handling personal data.

Items concerning confidentiality of personal data are stated in employment regulations, and confidentiality agreements are concluded with employees.


(5)-5. Physical security management measures

In areas where personal data is handled, the Company controls the access of employees, restricts the equipment and other items they may bring into the office, and implements measures to prevent unauthorized persons from accessing personal data.


Measures are taken to prevent theft or loss of equipment, electronic media, and documents that handle personal data, and measures are taken to ensure that personal data cannot be easily identified when such equipment, electronic media, etc. are carried, including within the office.


(5)-6. Technical security management measures

- The Company implements access control to limit the scope of persons in charge and the personal information database, etc. to be handled.

A system, to protect information systems handling personal data from unauthorized external access and unauthorized software, is in place.


(5)-7. Recognition of external environment

The Company limits the storage of personal data to domestic locations.

7  Voluntary nature of giving personal information and consequences of not giving such information

Although the provision of your personal information to us is voluntary, please understand that we may not be able to respond to your inquiry if you do not provide the information we request or if the information you provide is not accurate.


8  Collect information through access to our website

CVi collects log files and sends cookies (including cookies sent from a third-party server for the purpose of measuring the effectiveness of advertisements and for recognizing your browser or device) in order to improve services and Customer convenience. The statistical data obtained allows us to measure and analyze the performance of our services.

We may collect information such as the Customer's IP address, the number of accesses, the type of browser used, as well as the OS and other terminals used. Customers may refuse to accept cookies depending on the settings of the Customer's browser, in which case, some of the essential features and services of the website may not be available.

Any information collected is used solely for the purpose of analyzing usage tendency of the website and investigating the cause of any problem, should they occur, and is not used for the purpose of identifying an individual.


Established September 20, 2024

About PrivacyMark


CVi has acquired and maintains the PrivacyMark certification from the Japan Information Processing Development Corporation (JIPDEC). The PrivacyMark is awarded to companies that prove their ability to handle personal data appropriately and securely.

Chief Privacy Officer


Whether you are considering the use of Cloud Solutions, Out-sourcing, HR Consulting or a combination of services, we can provide a solution to meet your requirements.

Telephone Inquiries

9:00-18:00 Mon.-Fri.
