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Cloud Solutions

Our Cloud Solutions maximize cost versus effectiveness through
adaptable systems and professional services housed in a high security environment.

As an innovator in Cloud Solutions, CVi has delivered application and services since its initial release of PayrollPro in 2004, offering a wide range of professional services to meet Client needs.

Our Cloud Systems provide an advantage over conventional licensed software that require installation. Clients can easily access our services through a web browser, connecting to secure severs located at high security data centers, through encrypted connections.

CVi Cloud Solutions

Our Cloud Solutions are based on SaaS technology (Software as a Service) and are protected in a high security cloud environment, offering payroll calculations, attendance management, personnel data management and much more. Applications can be used standalone, or integrated, depending on your needs and requirements.


With PayrollPro there is no need for installation, or expensive software maintenance fees. You only pay for what you need. And, under our Standard Systems program, you no longer have to worry about yearly legal revisions to the law, since we do this for you automatically.

Web Pay Slips

Web Pay Slips is a bilingual web document systems that works seamlessly in conjunctions with PayrollPro, assisting your employees in realizing a paperless office for pay slips, bonus slips and withholding slips.

CViElite My Number

CViElite My Number assists you in managing My Number data for your employees, spouses, and dependents in a high security environment. Employees are empowered to register their data from a smartphone that links the data with "PayrollPro".

CViElite Nencho

CViElite Nencho helps Clients significantly reduce the tidal wave of paper documents, time and cost involved in preparing for employee Year-end Tax Adjustments.

CViElite Attendance

CViElite Attendance is a bilingual attendance management system, supporting a wide array of workstyles, making your life easier when handling approvals (such as overtime restrictions and vacations) and much more. Schedules can be flexibly managed and linked to card reader options.

CViElite Jinji

CViElite Jinji is a bilingual HR Personnel Management System that retains and organizes your employee data, like personnel transfer history, qualifications, training history, covering all employee and family data.

CViElite Shinsei

CViElite Shinsei is a workflow system that operates in concert with CViElite Jinji, assisting your HR personnel by allowing your employees to submit applications online for personnel data changes such as names, addresses, family members, commuting routes, bank accounts, etc. They can also easily upload important documents and employee application forms.

Information Sharing Between Cloud Solutions

Information Sharing Between Cloud Solutions


CVi Cloud Solutions offer loads of advantages
over installed licensed software.

Quick implementation

Once you subscribe to CVi's Cloud Solutions, you no longer need to fret over installing your latest software patches, or changes to your hardware. Our systems can be used immediately so you don't need to worry about long-term developments related to installing a new software.

Rapid response to legal revisions

Our Cloud Solutions and experts always reflect the most recent and up-to-date regulatory and supplementary legal requirements.

High quality services at reasonable cost

With our Cloud Solutions and professional services, you only pay for usage amounts. This empowers your HR operations to run more smoothly and quickly without over spending on software expenditures.

Well-connected cloud solutions

When using multiple CVi Cloud Solutions, once data is entered into one application, it automatically updates corresponding data in other applications.

Some examples of information sharing:

  • CViElite Attendance overtime and paid vacation data is transferred to PayrollPro
  • CViElite Jinji basic employee data is transferred to PayrollPro
  • Updated employee commuting allowances are transferred via CViElite Shinsei to PayrollPro

Integration with existing systems

CVi's Cloud Solutions can be integrated with global HR and accounting systems, including IC card readers and supplementary systems, thereby enhancing efficient coordination between your existing back office. Additionally, our Cloud Solutions support single-sign-on for increased security for your employees (while reducing the need to manage new sets of users accounts and passwords).

Smart cost decisions

Traditional licensing Agreements for installed applications charge significant upfront licensing fees, including yearly maintenance and support fees in order to receive version upgrades. Our Cloud Solutions do not charge upfront licensing or annual maintenance fees, nor server installation fees. Access to our systems is made through a standard web browser and you only pay for actual usage fees.

  • Operational flexibility since there is no limit on usage amounts.
  • Immediate cost saving since there are no upfront licensing fees or recurring maintenance fees, as well as not need to maintain dedicated servers.

Our Cloud Solutions are offered on a monthly basis. Application usage fees are calculated on the number of users, the amount of processing performed, or the number of calculations made.

Eliminate maintenance overhead

Since there is nothing to install on your systems, there are no ongoing IT operational expenses, such as IT support and maintenance fees. When using our Cloud Solutions, access is made through a secure Internet connection using a standard web browser. Behind the scene, our technical team transparently handles the software, hardware and network infrastructure protected in a high security data center. This ensures that our services are always available, up-to-date and responsive to your needs.

Information security and privacy

We work hard to meet the highest security, privacy and compliance requirements. Our data management and privacy data handling processes and procedures have passed rigorous third-party audits. We hold Japanese Privacy Mark (P-mark) and ISO 27001 certifications and participate in regular recertification. And, an external SSAE18 Type II audits are performed on a yearly basis.

Redundant Data Centers

Our primary data center is located in Eastern Japan, and a secondary geographically separated data center is located in Western Japan. Both data centers are monitored at all times and prepared for unforeseen disasters.

Service Level Options

CVi's Cloud Solutions for our Standard Systems are protected to ensure strict security for all Standard System users. For those Clients with their own respective requirements, we offer augmented security under our Segregated Program as an option for those Clients requiring further restrictions.


Whether you are considering the use of Cloud Solutions, Out-sourcing, HR Consulting or a combination of services, we can provide a solution to meet your requirements.

Telephone Inquiries

9:00-18:00 Mon.-Fri.
