Onsite Services
CVi's Onsite Services allow HR departments to focus on their core business.
CVi's Onsite Services
If personnel are needed in HR, CVi staff can be dispatched and stationed there to not only operate CVi's Cloud Solutions, but also to engage in payroll, social insurance and other personnel affairs. Through combining off-site services, business support can be better expanded to fit your needs.
- Human Resources experts made available according to your requirements.
- Select the best staff that meets your business needs.
Qualified Human Resources Professionals
Our Onsite Services personnel are selected for their experience and expertise, ensuring that they can provide high-quality service meeting the client's needs.
Interim staffing
Not all staffing needs can be anticipated. When staff members become unavailable due to illness, retirement, family leave or other unexpected reasons, it can be difficult for existing staff to take on the extra workload or to quickly hire replacements. During these times, CVi can provide supplementary staff to cover your immediate needs.
CVi personnel act like a member of your team
By incorporating our staff members' high-quality skills and know-how into your organization, your HR department can take full advantage of their abilities, allowing them to quickly and smoothly support your department's standard processes.
Skill sets to match your needs
In business, finding and hiring HR staff with the particular skills you need is not an easy task. All of our Onsite Services personnel are qualified and experienced HR professionals.
For those Clients who wish to introduce a dedicated service
CVi's Standard Products and Services are provisioned for in a shared environment under strict information security policies, procedures and guidelines, including standards for the protection of personal information. This has allowed us to achieve a high level of service at reasonable rates that has satisfied Clients. In the shared environment, Client data is logically separated.
Notwithstanding, irrespective of how high a quality or comprehensive our standard range of services might be, these might still not 100% meet the requirements of a specific client. Hence, we offer a "Segregated Program" under which any of our standard services can be customized. If you are interested in a personalized service for any of the categories below, please contact us or your respective Sales Representative.
- Build a server and network operations in a Client-dedicated environment.
- Conduct a Client-initiated audit based on your security and BCP requirements.
- Use a Client-specific Agreement template instead of CVi's standard Agreement template.
- Other Client-specific services not covered under the Shared Service.