with HR solutions that combine
robust features and high reliability.
Cloud Solutions
High-availability, secure and proven
software-based services at affordable prices.
- PayrollPro
- PayrollPro is a cloud payroll calculation system that is kept up-to-date with the latest legal revisions.
- Web Pay Slips
- Web Pay Slips is a bilingual (English and Japanese) web pay slip system that works in concert with PayrollPro.
- CViElite My Number
- CViElite My Number assists you in managing My Number data for your employees, spouses, and dependents, in a highly secure environment. Employees are empowered to register their data from a smartphone, while linking with "PayrollPro".
- CViElite Nencho
- A sophisticated cloud application that significantly reduces paper, time and costs for Year-end Tax Adjustments.
- CViElite Attendance
- CViElite Attendance offers flexible schedule management for handling multiple work patterns, overtime and leave, requests and approvals, with optional card reader integration.
- CViElite Jinji
- CViElite Jinji is an HR information management system which
keeps track of employee personal and family information, history of personnel transfers, qualifications, training history and much more.
- CViElite Shinsei
- This service works in concert with CViElite Jinji, enabling employees to apply online to change personal information (name, address, family, commuting route, bank account, etc.). It is also possible to upload different application forms from employees.
Professional Services
CVi's Cloud Solutions offer a common platform that allows for flexibility for diverse Client needs.
- Payroll Calculation Out-sourcing
- Experienced professional staff perform your important monthly payroll processing for you.
- Social Insurance Out-sourcing
- All required Social Insurance operations, from acquisition and loss of eligibility to calculation of monthly insurance premiums and various notifications are done for you.
* Professional Services are offered in conjunction with a certified Social Insurance labor Consulting office.
- J401(k) & Cash balance Plan Administration
- We offer out-sourcing services for Defined Contribution, J401(k) and Cash Balance retirement plans.
- Human Resources Consulting
- Experienced HR consultants with the knowhow will assist you in resolving various issues in your HR department.
- Helpdesk Services
- We offer flexible employee helpdesk services tailored to your situation.
- Onsite Services
- In addition to provisioning CVi's Cloud Solutions, we also perform payroll, social insurance and other HR related operations onsite.
- 2024/09/17
- ServicesWe are pleased to announce the release of the My Number data management (SaaS) application “CViElite My Number (EM)”
・EM is a bilingual, My Number (Japanese version, Individual Number) management (SaaS) system that can be used from any Internet-connected smartphone, tablet or PC.
・EM manages the My Number data for employees, spouses, and dependents, under high security. The program also works with CVi's payroll calculation system, "PayrollPro."
・EM release is scheduled for March 1, 2025.For further information, please contact us.
- 2023/05/25
- ServicesWe are pleased to announce the release of the new and functionally enhanced CViElite Shinsei (Personal Information Change Workflow System)
・CViElite Shinsei is a bilingual Workflow System for making changes to an employee’s personal information and that can be used in concert with CViElite Jinji (Human Resources Database).
・Until now, an update to an employee’s personal information (reported to HR through CViElite Shinsei) was limited to name, address, phone number, and family members.
・With the new enhancements, the number of change requests for information in CViElite Jinji (that employees can directly apply for using CViElite Shinsei) has increased significantly. It is now possible to easily update an employee’s personnel information so that it remains current without adding increased workload burdens to the Human Resources Department.For further information, please contact us.
- 2022/08/29
- Info Office Relocation Announcement
Please be advised that on August 29, 2022, K.K. CrossVision International will be relocating its headquarters operations.
We would like to take this moment to thank all of you for your continued support.
Please note that there will be no changes to our phone numbers and they will remain the same.
We look forward to working with you from our new office.New Location: Akasaka Seventh Avenue Building 5F, 7-10-20 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-0052, Japan
※Telephone numbers remain the same.Effective Date: August 29, 2022
- 2021/09/15
- ServicesWe are pleased to announce new enhanced functionality for CViElite Nencho (Nencho). This new release is being introduced in advance of the 2021 Year-end Tax Adjustment (YETA) operation, and includes the following:
- The “names of attachments” to be uploaded by linking to the “declaration information,” and required attachments, will be displayed automatically;
- Eligibility for the “new application form covering housing loan deductions (applicable for those individuals whose residence Start Date was from January 1, 2019, or later); and,
- Employee operation manuals and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) will be included.
Note: 1) Digitization of “deduction certificates will not be supported for 2021; and 2) future enhancements will continue to be added based on customer feedback and requests.