We want to reduce the burden of day-to-day operations in the personnel and labor field and focus on core work.
Do you have any of the following issues in your business?
- Issue 01
- There are too many errors in payroll calculation, and a huge amount of man-hours in checking is spent every month.
- Issue 02
- In order to reduce man-hours for day-to-day operations, we would like to introduce not only payroll outsourcing, but also an attendance management system, and a Year-end Tax Adjustment support system.
- Issue 03
- Responding to inquiries from employees and changes in employee status is a heavy burden.
Issue 01
There are too many errors in payroll calculation, and a huge amount of man-hours in checking is spent every month.
The following services
could solve your problems.
CVi's professional staff can perform payroll calculation using CVi's payroll calculation system, "PayrollPro," as a common platform between the Client and CVi. We dramatically improve data accuracy by increasing transparency through the use of common Cloud Solutions and implementing secondary checks.
Payroll Calculation System
Issue 02
In order to reduce man-hours for day-to-day operations, we would like to introduce not only payroll outsourcing, but also an attendance management system, and a Year-end Tax Adjustment support system.
The following services
could solve your problems.
CViElite Attendance and CViElite Nencho can be used in conjunction with payroll outsourcing services with PayrollPro as the system platform. This comprehensively covers complex tasks such as employee attendance management, payroll calculation and Year-End Tax Adjustment. This makes it possible to significantly reduce man-hours for day-to-day operations in HR departments.
Payroll Calculation System
Attendance Management System
Year-End Tax Adjustment System
Issue 03
Responding to numerous employee inquiries as well as changes to an employees' status can be a heavy burden.
The following services
could solve your problems.
Helpdesk Services for employees can be customized according to the Client's needs and situation and contribute to reducing work man-hours for HR departments. Moreover, by using CViElite Shinsei, you can significantly improve work efficiency related to joiners and leavers from the company, including modifying the personal status of an employee.
Employee Self-Service