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Partner recruitment Contact us

CVi is always looking to expand our partnerships with other professional companies who can add value to our Clients through extended product and service offerings. Our partnerships address the real needs of our Clients, offering added value and new levels of solutions. If you would like to expand your core business with compatible products and services, and you believe there is synergism between your company and CVi, we would love to talk with you.

Telephone Inquiries

To speak directly to a sales representative,
please call us at the number below:


9:00~18:00 Mon. ~ Fri.

If you could fill in the information below in your inquiry, it would greatly assist us in putting you in contact with the appropriate CVi representative who could address your specific questions or needs.


Whether you are considering the use of Cloud Solutions, Out-sourcing, HR Consulting or a combination of services, we can provide a solution to meet your requirements.

Telephone Inquiries

9:00-18:00 Mon.-Fri.
